
Refunds Policy

It is highly recommended that every customer read the product description and try the free trial version before making their final purchase decision.

We issue refunds if the following criteria apply:

  • Request of the refund is within 7 days of purchase.
  • There was an issue with the description of the product and you were misled.
  • If there is an issue with installing, configuring, functioning or displaying of content.
  • If our support team unable to fix the problem.

We do not issue refunds if the issues are:

Failure to read the product description before purchasing and then resulting in dissatisfaction with the product’s functioned and/or results.

If you found your web server doesn’t meet the requirement of WordPress or denied to update the PHP, MySQL version.
You changed your mind about the purchase.
You made mistake to buy but downloaded the product.
You chose not to use the product anymore.

You find that our product doesn’t suit your needs (our live demo site are very explanatory of our themes and plugins and you can also download the free version to test in WordPress repository)

If you are requesting customization.
You existing scripts conflicts with other 3rd party software connected or installed on your WordPress website.
You do not contact the support team for help.

The customer refusing to cooperate with our support team in attempts at troubleshooting by declining providing detailed descriptions and information regarding the problem, or refusing to try to apply the solutions provided by our support team.
You are unable to show proof or screenshot of broken part or missing.